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Aeneas and the New Troy

Posted by Andrew Griffiths on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, In : Roman Foundation Myths 

Aeneas Fleeing from Troy (1598) by Federico Barocci (Source – Yale University)

Aeneas was an accomplished Trojan warrior second in ability only to his cousin, the great Hector. After the fall of Troy at the hands of the Greeks, he took a small band of survivors on a journey to find a somewhere else to live; a land where they would build a new Troy, a nation that would go on to dominate the known world.

At the outset the Trojans had a fearsome enemy, the goddess Juno, who had been told that t...
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Mythology Quote

"Myths are things that never happened but always are."

 ~ Sallustius ~



Mythology Quote

"The thing you should all that myths never really change. Sometimes they're garbled and they certainly appear in different guises to different people who recount them. But the basic legends don't alter. We're talking about truths."

 ~ Edward Bryant ~



© Andrew Griffiths 2013 All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer: The images on this site are believed to be in the public domain. However if any mistakes have been made and your copyright or intellectual rights have been breeched, please contact (Note: The myths used on this page may be an amalgamation of the most interesting aspects of more than one available text and are derived from secondary sources, as opposed to being drawn from just one primary source).

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